(點(diǎn)擊上方關(guān)注鍵盤俠,獲悉更多有趣資訊。) [賽后貼] 今日NBA常規(guī)賽,快船隊(duì)主場113-116不敵太陽隊(duì)。 雙方數(shù)據(jù) 快船(0-1): 哈登29分12籃板8助攻、鮑威爾17分4籃板4助攻、祖巴茨21分9籃板3助攻、德里克-瓊斯12分4籃板、曼恩8分5籃板4助攻、科菲11分3籃板、巴圖姆2分2籃板2助攻、克里斯-鄧恩5分4籃板2助攻2搶斷、凱-瓊斯6分。 太陽(1-0):比爾24分3籃板、杜蘭特25分7籃板3搶斷、努爾基奇11分9籃板2助攻2搶斷、布克15分4籃板6助攻、泰厄斯-瓊斯11分2籃板8助攻2搶斷、奧尼爾5分5籃板、阿倫8分3助攻、普拉姆利8分2籃板、莫里斯5分2籃板。 (沒傳球) (錯失絕平罰球) [–]Mavericksbagfka 0 points an hour ago James harden moment 獨(dú)行俠球迷:哈疼時(shí)刻,雖遲但到?。?/strong> [–]MavericksShangrolam12 0 points an hour ago Bro was gassed and ready for the strip club 獨(dú)行俠球迷:不要亂講??!哈登哥這么拉,是因?yàn)檎娴奶哿?,甚至還得留點(diǎn)力氣給今晚的脫衣舞女郎~~~ [–]Genji4Lyfe 1 point an hour ago Harden was both the best and worst of times in this game 球迷:但不得不說,盡管比賽最后拉了坨大的,但是這場比賽的高光時(shí)刻也同樣也是哈登給的啊~~~ [–]ClippersTheRealBrownPudding 3 points an hour ago Live and die by Harden I guess 快船球迷:這就是所謂的“成也蕭何,敗也蕭何”吧~~~ [–]WarriorsVallerie_09 4 points an hour ago Clippers really snatched a L out of the jaws of victory 勇士球迷:這場勝利都快消化到大腸了,快船竟然還能從嘴里給吐出來… [–]Lakerstindercylinder -3 points an hour ago CLIPPERS CULTURE 湖人球迷:無他~~破船文化罷遼~~唯手熟爾~~~ [–]ClippersRapsareChamps_Suckit 3 points an hour ago ugh this is why I drink.. put it on my tombstone mods 快船球迷:你破船拉完一大坨,我一杯苦酒穿腸過,試問你又奈我何~~~555555~~~把我這首絕命詩刻到我的墓志銘上去~~~~~~ [–]CookingLikeChef 0 points an hour ago Imagine paying billions for a new arena just to lose 球迷:快船花幾十億美金蓋的這座新球館,專門用于把球迷請過來欣賞快船輸球的~~~奢~~~~侈~~~~ [–]SunsForceMaster999 0 points an hour ago This game took time off my life but it was worth it 太陽球迷:看完這場球折了我?guī)啄陦?,不過也值啦~~~ [–]ClippersPaulGeorgeFan1 1 point an hour ago kawhi leonard god will strike you down. i promise you. 快船球迷:科懷-萊昂納德,你早晚會遭天譴的,你就等著吧你!! [–]Sunsagentdoubleohio 3 points an hour ago I know it’s early, but getting tyus jones on the minimum was insane. 太陽球迷:我知道現(xiàn)在說個(gè)還為時(shí)過早,但是太陽用了個(gè)底薪就把泰厄斯-瓊斯簽過來,這也太離譜了點(diǎn)吧~~~ 注:本場比賽,太陽新援泰爾斯-瓊斯砍下11分2籃板8助攻,全場正負(fù)值+6,是太陽隊(duì)的獲勝功臣。 [–]Kingsthrowaway4tankies 11 points an hour ago Despite the suns endlessly fucking the ball, the clips managed to fuck it more lol 國王球迷:我原以為太陽隊(duì)拉的這坨已經(jīng)夠大了,沒想到對面還有個(gè)腸胃更好的,了不起啊快船哈哈哈哈~~~~ [–]Sunsagentdoubleohio 9 points an hour ago Kd having 7 turnovers, missing wide open 3s, and looking sluggish throughout the game, completely redeemed himself with that shot to get us to OT. 太陽球迷:今天杜蘭特有7個(gè)失誤、空位3分也投不進(jìn),整場比賽看上去都不在狀態(tài)…但末節(jié)的那個(gè)絕平投籃足以掩蓋他今天所有的不足??! 新聞鏈接>>>>>> |
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